Friday, July 26, 2013

Romantic Night Out at the Woodlawn Farm on July 20th

We went to Woodlawn Farm last Saturday July 20th to see the talented pianist, Brian Ganz representing the Chesapeake Orchestra.  He is so incredibly talented that he performed for about two hours with no sheet music. 

We expected rain and got a tiny bit, just enough to make a beautiful double rainbow over the Trinity Manor house.  Maggie O'Brien, owner and former St. Mary's College President, told us that Point Lookout got the storm that narrowly missed us. 

Between the lovely light on the water, the rainbow, the sunset and the beautiful sound of the keyboard by the slight glow from the house windows, it was a romantic sight.  The crickets and cool breeze assisted as well.

The piano was almost wedged between 2 pillars and the original front door of the house.  The workers who squeezed it into place deserve a lot of praise. 

If you would like to read my Bay Net review of the concert with a few dozen photos click here

Here are a few photos to entice you to visit...

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