A great way to enjoy Independence Day!
Hilary Kole
Bryan Bourne
Watch "July 3: "A Traditional 4th in an Unconventional Way!"
The Online River Concert Series 2020
Featuring jazz artist Hilary Kole performing from New York City, the Southern Maryland Community Gospel Choir, Chesapeake Orchestra Brass, Bryan Bourne on trombone (our photography), fire trucks in "Hosedown" (my photos possibly), Ballet Caliente, and a video by Jim including the 1812 Overture and my fireworks photos set to a song by Jennifer Cooper and Carl Reichelt.
Featuring jazz artist Hilary Kole performing from New York City, the Southern Maryland Community Gospel Choir, Chesapeake Orchestra Brass, Bryan Bourne on trombone (our photography), fire trucks in "Hosedown" (my photos possibly), Ballet Caliente, and a video by Jim including the 1812 Overture and my fireworks photos set to a song by Jennifer Cooper and Carl Reichelt.
Performers subject to change
in at https://www.chesapeakeorchestra.org/
you miss it live, you can watch it later on Youtube! The first
concert, "Let Us Break Bread
Together" is available to watch now online.
The Crowd