Jim and I spent a lovely day in Washington DC photographing the beautiful Cherry Blossom Trees at the Tidal Basin on the Potomac, the circular basin surrounding the Jefferson Memorial, the FDR Memorial, and the nearby Washington Monument. I hoped to be there just after sunrise, by getting up a 5AM, but that was much too late. 3AM might have worked or an overnight in town. The weather was gorgeous and I tried to capture some of the curves of the basin and the trees, as well as the paddleboats.
Most of the Cherry trees along the Tidal basin are single white flowered Yoshino Trees, with some single flowered pink Akebono trees. We took a $1 shuttle to East Potomac Park to view the many other Japanese Cherry trees: Weeping Cherries, Kwanzan, Autumn Cherries (double flowered), Takesimensis, Afterglow, Sargent, and Okame. The park has a golf course and picnic area. The West Potomac Park also has some different cherry trees along the water.