Calm Reflections Photography shares beautiful photographs that can be placed on mugs, mouse pads, canvas, puzzles, T-shirts, coasters and prints. Joanna Macaulay makes souvenirs of St. Mary’s County for tourists and local residents. Information about St. Mary’s County attractions, travel, events and photography can be found at her site. She now does pet photography as well.

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St. Mary's County Camera Club/Southern Maryland Special Interest Group and Bowie-Crofton Camera Club had a joint outing to Budd's Cr...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Yucatan Mexico Trip February 3, 2018

We returned to Merida, our main trip destination and a good hub for exploring the Yucatan.

 Many of the cities in Mexico now have these artistic signs in front of a picturesque scene.  Behind the sign in the main square (zocalo) is the Catedral de San Ildefonso.

Our pink and white hotel, The Gamma de Fiesta del Castellano.  I liked the colors and it also has an excellent reputation.

We took a carriage ride from near the cathedral to familiarize us with the downtown area.

Another horse and carriage nearby.

 Some buildings along the way.

Museum, Quinta Montes Molina

 We turned around the circle at the Monumento a la Patria, depicting Mexican patriotism.

 The main Catholic Cathedral (Catedral de San Ildefonso), in the downtown square.

 Clock tower of the Municipal Palace

 Embroidery vendors in the town square.

 Finally, the reason we went to Merida, to see Jim's friend's son Jorge get married.  Here is the Iglesia de la Tercera Orden de Jesus where the wedding was held.  A Jesuit church.

The ceilings were very ornate.

 Jorge and Maru after the ceremony.  The wedding and reception were in very low light.  Most of the time flash wasn't an option, so the best I could do was to capture the emotion and romantic feel of the event. 

 The reception.

 Jim, Anita and Jorge, Jim's friend.

 Anita and her son Jorge.

Father daughter dance.

Jorge's daughter, Pilar and her son, both good dancers.

 Jorge's daughter, Mariana and her boyfriend.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Yucatan Mexico Trip February 2, 2018 Kabah

Before returning to Merida, we spent the morning at Kabah, another Mayan ruin and Santa Elena to visit a church on the top of a hill with a tiny museum.  The highlight of Kabah was a building called Palacio de los Mascarones, or the Palace of Masks, with it's fascinating decorations and lots of masks of Chac.  Kabah was roughly dated 600-900 AD.

 Iguana on the top of a building

 The round circle on the ground is a rare cistern for collecting water

 Turkey vulture

Citrus fruit tree nearby

Palace of the Masks

 Chac masks

Decorated side of the Palace of the Masks

 Trunk noses are spread across the surface of the building along with masks.  This was the most complete one I saw.

 An alter to Chac
 Across the street was a gate to the sacbe, an ancient causeway to Uxmal.

 We stopped for lunch at El Chac Mool restaurant in Santa Elena, where Jim tried some fresh mango off the tree.


 Chac Mool

 Harley, the local cat at the restaurant

 Turtle at El Chac Mool restaurant

 Santa Elena colorful house

 Santa Elena Cathedral on the hilltop

 Wild turkey

 Jim at the entrance to the Museum at the Cathedral

 Henequin fibers from the agave plant are dyed for use as mats, hammocks, shoe soles, etc. are a major industry in the area.

Exit from Santa Elena