Calm Reflections Photography shares beautiful photographs that can be placed on mugs, mouse pads, canvas, puzzles, T-shirts, coasters and prints. Joanna Macaulay makes souvenirs of St. Mary’s County for tourists and local residents. Information about St. Mary’s County attractions, travel, events and photography can be found at her site. She now does pet photography as well.

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Great Blue Heron in Flight

  They sure are long and sleek.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Ospreys will be in St. Mary's County soon!

We’ve had so much snow this year in St. Mary’s County. It is nice to remember that spring will eventually come. We have an osprey nest in the water just off our property. Usually the female osprey shows up between March 10 and 15th, followed by her male companion. They live in the County until mid September, before flying south to Central and South America for the winter. The female weighs almost twice as much as the male. They are such a joy to see, even if they “yell” at us when we get too close. If you want to learn more about osprey, I recommend two books, "The Fish Hawk: Osprey" (Northword Wildlife Series) by Stephen Carpenteri and a children's book "Ospreys" by Dorothy Hinshaw Patent both currently available from Amazon and elsewhere. Please share with me any good locations in St. Mary’s County to see osprey. I’d love to photograph more of them!

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