Calm Reflections Photography shares beautiful photographs that can be placed on mugs, mouse pads, canvas, puzzles, T-shirts, coasters and prints. Joanna Macaulay makes souvenirs of St. Mary’s County for tourists and local residents. Information about St. Mary’s County attractions, travel, events and photography can be found at her site. She now does pet photography as well.

To buy my photos, photo cards, and photo crafts of wildlife, pets, holidays and more, visit my Zazzle Photo store at

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River Concert Series June 28, 2024 Duke Ellington

We enjoyed listening to Duke Ellington Jazz on Friday night at St. Mary's College of Maryland on the Townhouse Green, 7 PM.  There was a...

Monday, May 20, 2024

Azaleas Part 2

We dropped by Annmarie Garden again to photograph the azaleas.  This time I remembered to bring my flash.  I especially like the multicolored ones.  So pretty!

This one was made of 2 photos edited together to make it sharper.

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